In the posts for February and March, we would like to introduce you to each of the MirrorLabs partners. MirrorLabs currently consists of seven research institutions distributed over Europe which is shown in the figure below. Today's post will introduce INESC TEC which is a research institute located in Portugal.

INESC TEC laboratory for industry and innovation
INESCTEC is a private, non-profit association dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technology-based companies. At the end of 2018 INESC TEC’s 13 R&D Centres hosted 745 integrated researchers (339 PhDs), including staff and affiliated researchers, Professors, grant holders, and technical and administrative support staff.
iilab Facilities
iilab (industry and innovation lab) is a space for experimentation, prototyping, and training in the state-of-the-art in advanced production technologies. iiLab supports technology-based innovation in public and private organisations, thus contributing to the development of their skills in the development, adoption, and implementation of advanced production technologies, leading to sustainable competitiveness in the circular economy context.
Integration in Teaching
INESC TEC currently offers general and customized innovative and efficient training and education programmes for advanced manufacturing technologies and digital transformation process. MirrorLabs software platform and tutorials will be integrated into future training programs, as well as used for graduation projects of INESC TEC academic partners (the University of Porto, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, University of Minho).
