This tutorial explains which VR devices are used within MirrorLabs and how to develop for these devices.
Introduction to VR
Virtual reality belongs to the realm of extended reality (XR). On the scale from 'real world', to a 'fully virtual environment' (VE), VR is an utmost where the ‘world’ is completely virtual.
VR is a broad term that can be used from different perspectives (see figure below):
VR as an environment: an alternate world filled with computer-generated images.
VR as a form of interaction: a unique interaction space where users can perceive a different reality.
VR as immersion: users feel like they are somewhere else.
Different aspects or technologies can be used to achieve these aspects of VR (see the right side of the figure below).

An overview of some important terms to know:
XR: Extended Reality
VR: Virtual Reality
MR: Mixed Reality
AR: Augmented Reality
VE: Virtual Environment
HMD: Head Mounted Display
OST: Optical See-Through
Types of XR hardware
There are different types in which an XR experience can be created. We mention XR here because some of the devices are able to create VR as well as AR experiences. In MirrorLabe we mainly focus on the use of HMD's, but there are more ways to create an XR application:
Head-mounted displays (HMD)
mobile or handheld AR/ VR
AR projection on a transparent screen
projection dome or room
Why are we using XR?
For human-robot collaboration, XR can be a powerful tool. Robots cannot communicate as people do. XR can improve communication between robots and human operators. A few examples are:
presenting information in the 3D space
showing the predicted movement of a cobot in AR
controlling the movement in XR without toughing the robot
digital twins for remote expert assistance
List of XR devices that are used in MirrorLabs:
HTC Vive (VR, when using pro version also AR using video)
Oculus Rift (VR)
Oculus Quest (VR/ AR using video)
Microsoft Hololens v1 and v2 (AR OST)
List of tutorials
HTC Vive
Unity & SteamVR:
Oculus rift
need to install the OculusXR Plug-in for the Windows build target when using Unity:
Oculus Quest
need to install the Oculus XR Plug-in for the Android build target when using Unity:
SideQuest (optional for streaming and recording):
The Microsoft HoloLens will be addressed in a later post about AR.