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RELEASE: MirrorLabs framework

We are very happy to announce, that we have released the Mirrorlabs framework under the Apache 2 license as an open source library.

You can find the contents on the 4TU.ResearchData repository

Please download the code and install it according to the manual. Within the “General Learning Platform” of EIT Manufacturing, you can find video tutorials how to use the different exercises. As Mirrorlabs is funded in 2021 as a continuation of 2020, we will upload additional experiments for you to try out, so please stay tuned.

Feel free to use the framework for your own activities (following the Apache 2 license) – this is especially interesting for demonstrations for you as a SME or if you are an academic or research institution, you can use it in order to develop your own experiments.

Please make sure to cite the code:

Aschenbrenner, Doris; Rieder, Jonas (2021): Framework for the publication: MirrorLabs – creating similar learning environments for students all over Europe for human-robot coproduction. 4TU.ResearchData. Software.



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