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Research: MirrorLabs paper released

How to visualize recorded production data in Virtual Reality?

How to use state of the art Augmented Reality displays that can show robot data?

The Mirrorlabs consortium published our current architecture in a scientific paper addressing these questions. We introduce an opensource ICT framework approach for combining Unity-based Mixed Reality applications with robotic production equipment using ROS Industrial. This publication gives details on the implementation and demonstrates the use as a data analysis tool in the context of scientific exchange within the area of Mixed Reality enabled human-robot co-production.

You can find it here

Please cite us :)

D. Aschenbrenner et al., "Mirrorlabs - creating accessible Digital Twins of robotic production environment with Mixed Reality," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), 2020, pp. 43-48, doi: 10.1109/AIVR50618.2020.00017.



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