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MirrorLabs in 2021!

We are very happy to tell you that Mirrorlabs will continue in 2021. We have received another round of funding from EIT Manufacturing and are very happy to continue with our work.

Within 2021 we will tackle a couple of experiments, that have been proposed by the partners in 2020, but which we were not able to finish in the short duration of the pandemic year. This especially targets the networking capabilities of our Robots and XR framework – it would be so great to combine different Mirrorlabs in one virtual lab somehow or to “visit” each other via a virtual expedition.

Furthermore, our special interest for 2021 lies in reaching out to small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in order to reach you with our educational program.

Interested to join? Please write us a mail, there will be virtual classrooms and real teaching sessions upcoming.



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